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Worm Guard Attacks

Setting Up The Worm Guard
The Worm Guard is the position that made lapel guards famous. Way back in 2013/14, Keenan Cornelius showed how effective the position could be by successfully using it at the highest level of competition.
The power of the Worm Guard comes from the fact it simultaneously limits your opponent's mobility and breaks their posture while allowing you a degree of freedom to move.

Speed Drill #1: Lapel Timing Drill (1 min ea)
Technical Drill #1: Collar and Ankle to Ring Worm (2 min ea) 
Technical Drill #2: Collar and Ankle to Worm Guard (2 min ea)
Specific Training #1: From Ring Worm Guard (reset if opponent escapes or you sweep or submit them, 2 min ea)
Specific Training #2: From Worm Guard (reset if opponent escapes or you sweep or submit them, 2 min ea)

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