Jiu Jitsu almost feels more like play than learning a martial art. That makes it a perfect sport for kids. However, despite it being so much fun, there are a huge amount of positive benefits to kids training in our BJJ classes. We like to think of BJJ as a total learning activity! When you enrol your child in our classes you will be equipping your child with effective self-defence skills AND giving them an opportunity to develop the skills required to build a successful, fulfilling life. These skills include patience, concentration, leadership, self-discipline, health and co-ordination.
Our junior classes are unique in the physical education field, as it is not merely a form of “self-defence.” It is a total learning and self-improvement activity. The programme focuses on developing martial arts skills but is still taught in a fun, motivating and progressive way. We are one of the few martial arts schools in the country which attaches education, and child development programmes to its martial arts curriculum.